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Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar-No.1 Amazing Wonder

Mini Switzerland

Paradise Discovered

In the year 1850, a group of British officers was tasked with a mission to find a paradise located in the Dhauladhar mountain ranges of Chamba, Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar a place known for its stunning natural beauty and healthy climate. As they roamed the remote valleys of the region, their eyes suddenly lit up when they noticed a lush green field nestled in the middle of a dense deodar forest.

They quickly reached the area to take in the majestic sight, and surely, they had stumbled upon a paradise on earth! Ah, Khajjiar! The ground was surrounded by tall deodar trees and a saucer-shaped lake that was praised by the team which was sent to the government for its beauty!

Popularity in 1900’s

When Lord Curzon visited this place in 1900, he was mesmerized by the natural scenery here and exclaimed “Oh wow! ‘Switzerland in India'”. It gained even more popularity amongst the British officials who used to come here to enjoy themselves, playing golf and taking a dip in the saucer-shaped lake in Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar. Even the big mound felt like a miracle of nature!

As the wind blows hard, this one single mound left in the lake of Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar shifts ever so slightly. It’s said that once two mounds were found here, one of sin and one of virtue, and over the years the mound of virtue slowly disappeared into the depths of the lake, leaving only the mound of sin still standing.

Marveling Wonder

When the President of India, R. Venkataramaiah visited Khajjiar, he was struck by its stunning beauty and exclaimed, “I have traveled to many countries around the world, and with no bias, I can say that Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar is truly one of the most majestic places on Earth. It has left me marveling at its many wonders.” Deep in the lush Chamba Valley of Himalayan Himachal Pradesh lies the mysterious and beautiful Khajjiar. Just a short 24 km drive from Chamba Nagar and you’ll find yourself immersed in a magical land where legends come alive.

Come explore this delightful destination and be enchanted by its beauty and charm. It is said that a Siddha deity once resided here until a snake, who had wandered in from somewhere else, made its home here. The snake and the deity soon found themselves in a battle of supremacy over the gorgeous area. After a long struggle, the Siddha Devta eventually conceded, handing the place over to the Nag Devta with the words “Take it, live your life”, thus giving Khajjiar its unique name.

The hidden Legend

The ancient temple of the snake god in Khajjiar has a fascinating history. Built seven hundred years ago, this majestic temple was constructed from the wood of just one huge tree! Carved with intricate detail, the temple’s sanctum sanctorum is particularly eye-catching. Legend states that when the snake god, Nag Devta, defeated Siddha Devta in battle, he promised to have him worshiped alongside him – possibly why there is a stone statue of Siddha Devta outside the temple. The kings of Chamba held the serpent god in especially high regard, something that remains true today in the hearts of the people.

Mrs. Batlu, the pious midwife of King Prithvi Singh of Chamba, is credited with the magnificent reconstruction of the ancient Khajjiar temple. Inside, lies an awe-inspiring statue of Nag Devta, and though the wooden artefacts have aged, the exquisiteness of their craftsmanship is still visible. Every year, in the month of Jayesht, thousands of devotees from the surrounding areas flock to the temple for the Khajjiar fair.

 The picturesque village of Khajjiar has earned itself the name of ‘Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar’ after Willy T. Balesar, Chief of the Embassy of Switzerland, officially installed a yellow signboard in 1992, displaying the distance of 6194 km to the Swiss capital of Bern. It is a sight to behold! Mini Switzerland-Khajjiar has been officially established in 160 countries around the world, boasting an impressive 2,27,670 square meters of stunning terrain. It’s no wonder that even Switzerland has taken note of this incredible destination, with a stone from Khajjiar being proudly displayed in front of the Parliament House in Bern!

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